31 Mar-4 Apr 2025 Sophia Antipolis (France)

Statlearn will be colocated with GeMSS in 2025

Statlearn is a scientific workshop held every year, which focuses on current and upcoming trends in Statistical Learning. Statlearn is a scientific event of the French Society of Statistics (SFdS) that has been organised since 2010. Conferences and spring schools are organized alternatively every other year. In 2025, the conference is scheduled in Sophia Antipolis (March 31st to April 4th, 2025), and will take the form of a spring school.

This 13th edition will be co-located with the the Generative Modelling Summer School (GeMSS), a yearly summer school founded in 2023.

This joint GeMSS/Statlearn event is targeted toward PhD students working with data science and/or AI broadly, and for whom generative modeling potentially plays a part in their projects. In particular, the program (consisting in basic lectures and more advanced invited talks) is designed to accommodate both students doing methodological data science research (e.g., machine learning, statistics, and AI) and students doing applied data science research (e.g., bioinformatics, computational physics, computational chemistry, and computational social science). Furthermore, the course will also be open to postdocs and more senior researchers from the industry as continual training in AI.

The tentative program for 2025 is available on the GeMSS website.

How to apply to the spring school?

 Please prepare a single PDF file that contains the following information in the given order:

  • one A4 page describing your research, preferably in a poster format;
  • a one page CV;
  • students only: a one-page letter of confirmation that you are a PhD student from your supervisor.

An example of an application could be found here: [PDF].

Then, create a new submission with your name as the title, and a short introduction of two/three sentences as Abstract, introducing yourself (e.g. "I am a second-year PhD student at (...) working on (...). I'd like to follow this summer school because (...). I'd like to present my work on (...) as poster.").

Then, add your affiliation, and any author(s) of your poster if needed. Finally, upload the pdf. 

The application deadline is on January 27th.  The application deadline has been extended to February 2nd. Applicants will then be notified shortly. We have a limited amount of seats so we may have to reject some applications.

Picture: Sophia Antipolis Wikipedia pageCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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