31 Mar-4 Apr 2025 Sophia Antipolis (France)

Past Editions > Stalearn'22: Spring School in Cargèse

Statlearn'22 : Springschool in Cargese (04-07/04/22)

Scientific activities:

The Statlearn Spring School will welcome several lectures:

  • Aurélie BOISBUNON - Datascientist, MyDataModels, Nice (France)
    • Practical applications of the L1 penalty. The L1 penalty has arisen a lot of interest in the statistical and machine learning communities in the 90's and early 2000's, due to its ability to both select relevant variables and/or features and estimate their corresponding weights at the same time. Despite its decrease in popularity with the recent advances in deep learning, it can still be very useful in many real-life applications. We will first introduce the main concepts of the L1 penalty and its convex and nonconvex variants (e.g. Elastic net, MCP, SCAD, log penalty, ...) : sparsity, bias, regularization path. Then, we will discuss how it can be applied in practice in different contexts beyond linear regression/classification, ranging from random feature generation to signal and image processing.
  • Claire BOYER - Assistant professor in Statistics, Sorbonne Université, Paris (France)
    • Benign overfitting & double descent.
    • Inference & learning with missing values.
  • Julien MAIRAL - Researcher in machine learning, INRIA, Grenoble (France)
    • Large-scale optimisation. Continuous optimization has been central to machine learning for a long time. In these lectures, we are interested in continuous problems with a particular "large-scale" structure that prevents us from using generic optimization toolboxes or simply vanilla first- or second-order gradient descent methods. In such a context, all of these tools suffer indeed either from too large complexity per iteration, or too slow convergence, or both, which has motivated the machine learning community to develop dedicated algorithms. We will introduce several of such techniques, and in particular focus on stochastic optimization, which plays a crucial role for applying machine learning techniques to large datasets.
  • Brendan Murphy - Full professor in Statistics,  University College, School of Mathematics & Statistics, Dublin (Ireland)
    • Model-based statistical learning with networks

Poster sessions, with some local food, are planned during the week where participants are encouraged to present their own work. They are a great opportunity for young researchers to present their work.

Social activities:

Local food and drinks will be proposed during the welcome drink on Monday, the poster sessions and the workshop dinner on Thursday.

On Wednesday, we will go to the Calanques de Piana and visit this wonderful UNESCO World Heritage Site! It will not be a hike, but bringing good walking shoes is highly recommanded.




Photos: P-A Mattei

Program Location

The school is held at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, 50km north of Ajaccio (Corse).


Photos: P-A Mattei


A shuttle transport will be scheduled on Monday and Friday  (exact times communicated later, adapted to main flights from/to Paris/Marseille/Nice/etc) from and to Ajaccio Airport. It takes 1 hour 1/4 by bus to get to the Institute from Ajaccio.

Sunday, April 3rd:  20h00  (Ajaccio airport)  -> 21h00 (Cargèse)

Friday:  11h45 (Cargèse)  -> 12h45 (Ajaccio Airport)

The shuttle is included in the registration fees. If you come to Cargèse at a different time, it will be done by your own means and will be your responsibility. 


Accommodation is in a single room and costs 370€ for the week (flat fee from synday evening to friday midday - could not be reduced even if the participant does not stay all week long), including: coffee breaks, breakfast and meals each day, the welcome drink on monday and the workshop "local food diner" on thursday.

Note that diners are not included (excepted on thursday): participants have other dinners down town in Cargese' restaurants (20min walk from the institute).

Once your application is validated, more information will be given to accepted participants.


We do not know yet what will be the health crisis context in April 2022, but applicants should anticipate that a valid COVID certificate will be necessary to attend to Statlearn'22 spring school.




The number of participants is limited to 30. There is a 2-step application process, to select candidates:

  1. pre-registration: from 13/01 to 04/02 on the  Pre-registration and submission page.

    The candidate should fill the submission form including:

    - a poster abstract (choose TOPIC = POSTER SESSION): A poster session, with some local food, is planned during the week where participants will be encouraged to present their own work. Poster session will be a great opportunity for young researchers to present their work. The abstract (title+short text, in english or french) will be displayed on the program.

    If you do not want to present a poster, fill the title+abstract fields with "no poster"

    - a resume/CV (pdf), for all candidates

    - a reference letter from the supervisor (1 page, pdf format) for Ph.D student
    Only complete applications will be considered by the committee: please, do not forget to add pdf documents (CV/ref. letter) at the 3rd page.

  2. registration after validation of your application by the scientific committee of the conference (the selected candidates receive an e-mail from the committee): form on the website to be filled with administrative information for accommodation / meals / travel etc.
    Your application is definitely validated once the payment is done (fees and accomodation).

Program Location

The school is held at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, 50km north of Ajaccio (Corse).


Photos: P-A Mattei



Accommodation is in a single room and costs 370 € for the week (flat fee from Sunday night to Friday midday - could not be reduced even if the participant does not stay all week long), including: room, coffee breaks, breakfast and meals each day, the welcome drink on Monday and the workshop "Corsican dinner" on Thursday.

Note that dinners are not included (excepted on Thursday): participants have other dinners down town in Cargese's restaurants (20min walk from the institute).

Note: On Sunday evening, you are strongly encouraged to buy your dinner at Ajaccio Airport due to the late arrival time in Cargese (around 21:00).

Once your application is validated, more information will be given.


Registration fees

The registration fees includes the course tuition, the social activity on Wednesday afternoon, and travel from Ajaccio to Cargese and back (shuttle), and the local food/drinks during poster sessions. Registration fees depend on whether the applicant is currently a non-permanent researcher (Ph.D. student, post-doc), a tenure researcher in an academic institution (MCF/Pr, CR, etc), or other:

  • non-permanent researcher: 100€
  • tenure researcher in an academic institution: 200€
  • other: 400€

Note that Ph.D students and post-docs applications will be accepeted on priority.


These fees are not refundable.


Once your application is validated, registration fees should be paid to Statlearn. More information will be given to accepted participants.



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