31 Mar-4 Apr 2025 Sophia Antipolis (France)

Past Editions > Statlearn'23: Workshop in Montpellier

In 2023, the conference was held in Montpellier (April, 6th & 7th), preceded by one day of tutorials (April, 5th).

This 12th edition welcomed 4 sessions, with 11 speakers in total over the two days. A poster session, with some local food, was held during the conference, where participants, mainly young researchers, were encouraged to present their own work.


Tutorials (April, 5th)

Location: Building 36, Room: SC36.05 Faculté des sciences

9h00 - welcome with coffee

9:30 - 11:30: François Munoz, Univ. Grenoble (France) : 
"Inférence de dynamique écologique multi-espèce par méthode ABC" (github )

11h30 - 13h30: - Lunch break (RA)
13h30 - 15h30:  Stéphane Pateux Orange (France): "Few shot learning"

15h30 - 16h00:  Coffee break

16h00 - 18h: Erwan Scornet, Ecole Polytechnique Paris (France) : "For a rigorous botanomancy: reading the importance in the leaves of (random) forests and extracting elementary precepts" (slides)


Conference (6-7 April):


April 6

Starting time 8:45 AM
Mihaela van der SchaarUniv. of Cambridge (UK):
"Adaptive Clinical Trials using sequential decision making" (slides)
Antoine Chambaz, Univ. Paris Cité (France):
"Learning, evaluating and analyzing a recommendation rule for early blood transfer in the ICU" (slides)
Imke Mayer, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany):
"Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trials in Health Services Research – Practical and methodological challenges"
Starting time 2:15 PM

Eleni Matechou 
University of Kent (UK) :
"eDNAPlus: A unifying modelling framework for DNA-based biodiversity monitoring
" (slides)
Alexis Joly, INRIA Montpellier (France) : 
"Cooperative learning for biodiversity monitoring: what's new and what's next in Pl@ntNet(slides)
Nicolas Jouvin, INRAE  Saclay (France) :
"A mixture of Poisson log-normal PCA for count data clustering" (slides)


Poster session and cocktail (7 PM):

Location: la Panacée

April 7


Location: Gaumont Comédie https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/347532098
Starting time 9 : AM

Nihar Shah 
Carnegie Mellon University (USA):
"Peer review, biases, and statistical learning" (slides)

Lê Nguyen Hoang, Calicarpa (Switzerland):
"Secure statistics for collaborative algorithmic governance" (slides)
Valentina ZantedeschiServiceNow Research (Canada):
"Provable optimization of weighted majorities and their application" (slides)


Location: Gaumont Comédie
Starting time 2:15 PM

- Evgenii Chzhen, CNRS Orsay (France):
"Demographic parity constraint for algorithmic fairness : a statistical perspective" (slides)

David BleiColumbia University (USA):
"Scaling and Generalizing Approximate Bayesian Inference" (slides)



Bonafos Guillem Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (France) Detecting human and non-human vocal productions in large scale audio recordings
Boutin Rémi Mathématiques Appliquées Paris 5 (France) The Deep Latent Position Topic Model for Graph Clustering and Representation in Networks with Textual Edges
Carlier Clara Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique (France) Calibration of AD/ADAS simulator: ABC method using a surrogate model
Colnet Bénédicte Inria-Saclay (France) Causal effect metrics are not equal when facing population's shifts
Dantas Cassio F. TETIS, Univ Montpellier, INRAE (France) Benchopt: reproducible, efficient and collaborative optimization benchmarks
Durif Ghislain IMAG Montpellier (France) Bayesian inference of parental allele inheritance in fetus for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis
Garcin Camille IMAG Montpellier (France) Stochastic smoothing of the top-K calibrated hinge loss for deep imbalanced classification
Gasparollo Lorenzo EPFL (Switzerland) Causal Inference for calendar-time parameters
Hacquard Olympio Laboratoire mathématique d'Orsay (France) Statistical learning on measures: an application to persistence diagrams
Hernandez Louis Craft AI (France) CausalStructCodec: Causally-aware observational and interventional data generator
Lefort Tanguy IMAG Montpellier (France) Identify ambiguous tasks combining crowdsourced labels by weighting Areas Under the Margin
Mangold Paul Machine Learning in Information Networks (France) Differential Privacy has Bounded Impact on Fairness in Classification
Marchello Giulia Université Côte d'Azur, Inria-Maasai,  Nice  (France) A Deep Dynamic Latent Block Model for Co-clustering of Zero-Inflated Data Matrices
Mignot Raphael Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine (France) Averaging time series: a new approach using the iterated integrals signature method.
Ohl Louis Laboratoire d'Informatique Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia-Antpolis (France) Sparse GEMINI for Joint Discriminative Clustering and Feature Selection
Pilliat Emmanuel IMAG Montpellier (France) Optimal Ranking in Crowd-Sourcing Problems
Rabier Charles-Elie IMAG Montpellier (France) Prediction in high dimensional linear models and application to genomic prediction with a sparse genetic map
Rago Anouk Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine (France) Gene network inference for the prediction of silencing experiment in cancer cells
Zaoui Ahmed 
Université Gustave Eiffel (France)
Regression with reject option and application to kNN
Zaffran Margaux EDF (France) Conformal Prediction with Missing Values


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